Friday, July 2, 2010

Wedding Venue

Below are a few pictures of the venue. Really the pictures don't do it justice not to mention they do not all reflect some of the changes Susann, the owner, has made (whom by the way is very kindhearted and helpful). The garden is even more beautiful in person, It's whimsical, romantic, and sweet. I have attached the link so that you can go to Susann's site and view more pictures.


  1. The venue is beautiful Krishann! You are going to be able to save a ton on flowers...and the stone freaking cute! I am so glad you find this place.

  2. Thanks Connie!!! We are looking forward to the savings. I really love it too! Each time I go back I find another reason...

    Thanks cuzzy. Ps. I think you're good.

  3. haha. i somehow remind all my friends of a rabbit. (Lola, Babs bunny) .they even bought me a REAL rabbit for my bday.. but good bunny doesnt have a great ring to it haha.

  4. Whimsical huh? Java and creme brulee What do you mean the pictures don't do no justice? How did you find this place? What else could you ask for? Like Columbiana said the stone fireplace and flowers, WoW! Not to mention the pond with the bridge? It makes me want to skip down the archway with a white sundress on,start turning circles while holding the ends of my dress and gazing up at the sky. Well done Krishann! My kind of scenery!

  5. I love it!! Let's turn circles together :)

    Thank you. I am thankful that everything is coming together the way it is. Praise God!!!
